Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the garden

Can you see the tomato's???...and the green pepper???

Thats the corn growing, about up to my knees!
Those BIG plants to the left are butternut squash.. i think, lol...

ALL together we have, summer squash, butternut squash, green peppers, sweet banana peppers, corn, spring onions and tomatoes... wow.... OH and cantaloupe!!!

The first pickings of onions, yummm, a little salt and down they go!!

YEAHH!! We have a garden this year! Many thanks to Daddy and Great Grandpa-Pappy.... This garden is growing like crazy, and welll, its taking over!!! hahaha, yikes.... i hope i dont get lost in it someday during weeding.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Dad says "good job "...garden looks good ! Can't wait to taste the bounty !!!!!