Saturday, June 20, 2009

and then there was... an update!!!!

Well, this is our beginning of summer in a nut shell. We've seen a 2yr old turn 3, a 10month old start to walk, (he's 11months old now, and 1yr in about 2wks!) we road a mini Thomas the Tank Engine Train, ate strawberry's by the bucket, visited many friends, dug gardens, and we are enjoying our warm summer tan... I love summer, but love it even more if I don't have to turn on the air conditioning. I love the windows open with a warm breeze, and sitting by the kiddy pool watching my boys play. Levi is in love with adventure already... he has dove in head first into the little pool, and laughed about it. On the other hand, Miles dies a slow death if he gets splashed, haha... I have funny kids. Nana Joy would be proud, we are raising a mini-Bryce, the pastor side. The report i always get from Sunday school is: "He's a hugger! He is our nurturer, always comforting the other children." I LOVE to here that... makes momma proud. I hope you enjoyed the mini update, sorry for the months gap, but its hard with no Internet... love to all!


Sarah said...

glad to hear you guys are doing well! you look great!

rachael NZ said...

thanks for the update, love it. the pics are really cool. expecially the one of levi on the lawn, its a portrait. handsome handsome boys. xxooxox love to all the extended family and bigs hugs to all xoxoxooxx aunty rach

joybell said...

I Just looooove the photos ...I just want to leap through the computer .Woooow !!!! and double wwwoooow!!!Just to think while we are freezing over here you are sunning it up over there .
Miles looks so grown up now .And as for Levi , I hardly recognise him now .Hes such a boy oh boy !! Those big eyes .Makes your heart just melt .Thank you so much Chrisitna for sending them .It means so much to me .I guess you know that anyway ./!!
I had a moment in church today and was so overwhelmed because God just touched me and said its OKay ..Im looking after them all for you ..Those are the moments I feel so close to you all is when I get so close to him in worship .Its like we are all there together .Hard to explain .Love you all ...MUM XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

joybell said...

Hi Christina and Bryce, Bless you both, it's neat to see the pixs of the boys growing up... so quickly... give our little men a big hug from Koru.What a big slug in the wheel barrow.
Seems like such a long time since we talked, Jason and Sarahs wedding seems way back what a great time in a awesome vista on the beach at Raglan... haven't heard from them for a couple of weeks.. need to get in touch!!!, Love to you all, Larry