Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our MAY Newsletter!

"So much has happened since January when our last news letter was written that a starting point is hard to pinpoint! Has it really been 6 months since we got on that plane destined for New Zealand?! Did we really sell off our possessions, and just ‘go?’ It’s hard to believe, but yes, it has been 6 months, and we did get rid of EVERYTHING!! But what we have gained has been so much more.
January started out with a surprise, as we found out that we were going to have another child!! As the months have rolled on, we now know that we will be welcoming our 3rd son into our lives, and we couldn’t be any happier! February Bryce celebrated his 28th birthday, and March followed with Miles starting preschool. April was filled with BUNNIES, as we welcomed 2 little rabbits into our adventure. May is still blossoming, with the highlight on the 10th where Miles turned 4!! Now, in between those gaps of birthdays, bunnies and baby to come, CAMP has taken over our lives!! Ha-ha, I say this with humor, because humor can lighten many loads.
Camp life has been “full on,” taking every spare moment and consuming. Bryce works approximately 60hrs a week. 6 to 7 hrs of a DAY is filled with dishes, dishes and more dishes. ((needless to say I am in charge of dishes on the home front)) If you were to ask us if this is what we had envisioned or expected, we would be honest and say “No.” We are lonely, without a church, friendless, and over worked. And did I mention all this in a foreign country?! There are days we want to throw in the towel and head back to cozy VA… to once again feel surrounded by family and friends. We have been stretched and pulled to points of breaking, but we know God has us here for a reason. And until that reason is fulfilled this is where we will be. Since we have been here, our view has changed on why we are here, specifically at this camp. We both came into this ministry thinking camp life would be IT for us, and it IS to an extent. We are seeing how Bryce’s gifts in marketing and his great connection with people “in charge” will put this camp in the position it NEEDS to keep it going for years to come. This is our new vision. Maybe not to be the “leaders” of this awesome camp, but to inspire, push and challenge the camp to go from good to GREAT! To go from being unknown in its own community, to becoming a vital outreach point and refuge for ministries throughout Auckland, New Zealand, and the South Pacific!!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers for many decisions that need to be made. We have felt so blessed by all of our family back home, and saying we miss ya’ll is an understatement. Your prayers are felt, and the miracles we see, and the daily provision, is more than reassuring to us that we are indeed in the right place for the right time. Whether great or small, our time here in New Zealand, know that we will take, by his grace, every opportunity to be used by Him to be an impact! Thank you all for getting, and keeping us here. We love every one of you. Till we meet again!! All our love."
(There are also Printed copies of this newsletter with some other pictures,
in the foyer at CCF!!)


Anonymous said...

I so miss you .... so good to hear from you again. YOU are soooooo loved!!!

Jennifer Handy said...

Glad to hear you are doing well and hanging in there. Your family is beautiful and I know yall are doing amazing things for God's glory in NZ!