Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter and our Seder meal!

Yes, we are not Jewish, yes we had the Seder meal on Good Friday, BUT we celebrated it in celebration of JESUS our redemption and our provider! It was good, we recorded the whole thing.... boy it was long, not as longgg as tradition states it should be, i think it normally lasts 4 hrs, yeahh thats right a LONGGGG time, i was done like 10mins into it, but it was good, lots of payers and some songs. MIles kept on insisting he wanted to eat alll the motza bread, we had to hold him back!! He is a carb-a-voir.... Oh, any advice for a picky 9month old eater?? Yeahhh, Levi is taking a stance against ALLL food. How did this happen?? Ok, so here are the pictures to tell the story of our Seder....

Easter eggs are a tradition, i dont realllly know why, BUT none the less they are....
Now, the box of dye for the eggs said 5yrs and up, as i laughed at that recommendation, i began to see why a minuet into our "fun." OH, and it was... fun.
See those hulk hands??? He insited he was a dino or something.. haha, cute.

BUT, these are beautiful, arnt they??? The outcome, yesss some brown, but none the less beautiful, love em. Happppy Easter.......


rachael NZ said...

cool eggs, your such a fun mum, your always entertaining those monkeys well. good on you little sister you doing a great job :) happy easter to you and all xoxooxoxo love ya :)

joybell said...

fantastic job .I am thinking of you and the boys while your man is away .We will love him to bits while he is here and we promise we will send him back to you real soon .Hugs and kisses to you all .MUMxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Brycee said...

Wow kool blog babe! those photos came out really well i was not sure about that lighting but they look awesome, where are the ones with your green hands in the mix. My fav is miles big smile one he is my man. i love you guys ill see you soon. xxoo