Monday, July 20, 2009

Levi's 1st Birthday Party!

Our little 1yr old... in his birthday best!

The gluten free cake... a little grainy, BUT stilllll a CAKE!

"now, what am i supost to do ma?"

The manditory pool time after a veryyy messsy little cake boy.
Trying to figure out how to get into his present....
"YAYY, a lawn mower!!"
We had a great day celebrating Levi and Reed's (our little friend born 2 wks of eachother) birthday party. The weather was beautiful, and the kids had soo much fun together. We cant believe a year has gone by soo quickly... like for real, where does the time go?...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

wow.... just when we were starting to get organised...

SOOOOO, today we had a follow up apt. with the diabetes Dr.'s..... welllll, b4 they could talk to us about diabetes, they had a new surprise for us: Celiac Disease. Never heard of it. Wellllll, here it goes. It is a condition in which the lining of the intestines are damaged and can no longer absorb all the needed nutrients to remain in good health, it can be treated by a strict diet to a gluten free diet. (no wheat, rye, oats, barley, and any derivative of the same..') HA, this is a joke right?? EVERYTHING HAS GLUTEN! no not kidding, there are "hidden" gluten's, in salad dressing, in some prescriptions, fast food, communion wafers, luncheon meats, everything.... everything. I just laughed when the Dr. told us. I was like "oh, ok, sure, why not?" So after 'shock ville' we went to a health food store..... i never ever thought i'd shop there...i am not a hippy, lol, justttt kiddding... anyways, we picked up a few items, no meals, just random things, cereal, and such, like 10 items, and wanna know the bill total?? hahaha, 70............. yes as in $70.00.... at the end of a tax year we can even have a section for celtic disease gluten free food cuz it will cost us that much extra... wow... so, i am stressssing. We have no gluten free items other than what we jsut bought, and like, Miles dosent like meat... Miles dosent like meat,... ironic. No carbs in meat, no gluten, but dosent like it.... ha, and its a perfect food for both diseases.... OH welll, although i am stresssed, i have been pretttty joyful today. God is good, and is still on the throne, and even though our life has changed and is stillllll changing, God will always remain the same, HE is the constant. Let me get an amen!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

id tag!

Miles was very excited about his new bracelet, and want to show you all! Mommy thinks its cute too. I did have to put it around his ankle instead OR it would have been broken in a matter of hrs... you'd think things would be a little tougher!!

its wednesday

aS you can see, we like spagetti..... its never clean but always fun. This morning we went to the library to hear story hr, good fun, Um, i cant type very well, i have fake nails on and they are in need of coming off!! So pardon the cr4azy spelled words, these th9ings wiol type just about anything!! haha. I am gonna try to start blogging more, we have a new laptop, yayyyy, and now i can downlaod pictures and post them more frequesntly. We also havce a littttttle bit of internet if i stand in the living room and hop on one leg... just kidding about the hopping. ANYWAYS, the children are napping so i best go! love to all....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Miles, Levi and diabetes...

Well, a lot has happened since the last post.... Levi is now 1 beautiful yr old, and Miles has been diagnosed with Diabetes type 1... The Diabetes has been a big shock to our family. What 3yr old do you know with diabetes?? not many.... i cant name a single one. To be honest i was pretty angry the first week, and i kept thinking "this is sooo annoying! cant we go back to yesterday!?" well, we all know the answer to that... no. I was just so mad feeling like someone stole something from Miles, stole something from us all. Now that we are slowly getting into a whole new life style, and routine, its getting better. But when i start to look too far into the future, i can get all upset again. Its true, you have to take one day at a time... Its ironic now that I look back to the weeks b4 Miles was diagnose, Miles and i were busy learning a new verse. ( I write a short verse on construction paper, and we color the words to look like the meaning) Well our verse was... "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run in it and are safe..." That verse meant alot to all of us as we sat in the hospital, as we cried, as our insurance was a flop, as we gave our first of many shots, i just kept thinking, "here I come Lord, i'm running in..." As we have been home now, Miles and I have learned a new verse... "Look to the Lord, and his strength, seek his face always..." Let me tell you, i have no strength, i have no joy, no love, no goal, unless i seek his face.... always.