Thursday, July 16, 2009

wow.... just when we were starting to get organised...

SOOOOO, today we had a follow up apt. with the diabetes Dr.'s..... welllll, b4 they could talk to us about diabetes, they had a new surprise for us: Celiac Disease. Never heard of it. Wellllll, here it goes. It is a condition in which the lining of the intestines are damaged and can no longer absorb all the needed nutrients to remain in good health, it can be treated by a strict diet to a gluten free diet. (no wheat, rye, oats, barley, and any derivative of the same..') HA, this is a joke right?? EVERYTHING HAS GLUTEN! no not kidding, there are "hidden" gluten's, in salad dressing, in some prescriptions, fast food, communion wafers, luncheon meats, everything.... everything. I just laughed when the Dr. told us. I was like "oh, ok, sure, why not?" So after 'shock ville' we went to a health food store..... i never ever thought i'd shop there...i am not a hippy, lol, justttt kiddding... anyways, we picked up a few items, no meals, just random things, cereal, and such, like 10 items, and wanna know the bill total?? hahaha, 70............. yes as in $70.00.... at the end of a tax year we can even have a section for celtic disease gluten free food cuz it will cost us that much extra... wow... so, i am stressssing. We have no gluten free items other than what we jsut bought, and like, Miles dosent like meat... Miles dosent like meat,... ironic. No carbs in meat, no gluten, but dosent like it.... ha, and its a perfect food for both diseases.... OH welll, although i am stresssed, i have been pretttty joyful today. God is good, and is still on the throne, and even though our life has changed and is stillllll changing, God will always remain the same, HE is the constant. Let me get an amen!


Dani said...

Hey girl,

Is Miles still allowed to have Jello at least? I'm sorry to hear all of this. Just a thought, sounds gross I know, but maybe if you ground up some meats and put it in some kind of a soup would he eat that? I'll pray for guidance and direction on how to go about this all. You are a good mommy!!

Unknown said...

Oh sweet Jesus! I'm in shock! I guess this attributes to him being on the slimmer side, right? Not that its very encouraging, but I wonder if discovering his health issues together will make changing his eating habits easier in the long run. Here's a few blogs I found, thought they might be helpful. Tell Miles we love him and that Oceana wants him to get better.

Unknown said...

rachael NZ said...

:( my darlings im thinking of you always xoxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxo

Deb said...

Well put....keep speaking the word !!You are not alone in this. We are your "Aron" (Moses -look it up ! ) :0

Sarah said...

there is such a growing amount of people with the need for gluten free diets there are bakery's now that have went gluten free you should check the ones in your area. You can also use almond flour in place of regular flour!