Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Miles, Levi and diabetes...

Well, a lot has happened since the last post.... Levi is now 1 beautiful yr old, and Miles has been diagnosed with Diabetes type 1... The Diabetes has been a big shock to our family. What 3yr old do you know with diabetes?? not many.... i cant name a single one. To be honest i was pretty angry the first week, and i kept thinking "this is sooo annoying! cant we go back to yesterday!?" well, we all know the answer to that... no. I was just so mad feeling like someone stole something from Miles, stole something from us all. Now that we are slowly getting into a whole new life style, and routine, its getting better. But when i start to look too far into the future, i can get all upset again. Its true, you have to take one day at a time... Its ironic now that I look back to the weeks b4 Miles was diagnose, Miles and i were busy learning a new verse. ( I write a short verse on construction paper, and we color the words to look like the meaning) Well our verse was... "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run in it and are safe..." That verse meant alot to all of us as we sat in the hospital, as we cried, as our insurance was a flop, as we gave our first of many shots, i just kept thinking, "here I come Lord, i'm running in..." As we have been home now, Miles and I have learned a new verse... "Look to the Lord, and his strength, seek his face always..." Let me tell you, i have no strength, i have no joy, no love, no goal, unless i seek his face.... always.  


Sarah Love said...

Christina- What can I do? I feel so far away from you? How did all of this get discovered? Miles looks like Kyle in some of these pictures!!! that curly red hair makes me smile from ear to ear. and Levi- is he really 1? I still have yet to meet the little bugger.... oh hunnie- wish I could be there and here at the same time. I can't keep up with anything. I'm praying for you. And I mean that, I may not be present but my intercession is. Tell everyone I love and miss them.

Unknown said...

Hey girl, good to see you back to blogging. Love you! I really hope this transition's as easy as it can be. And Happy Birthday to Mr Levi the Tank. :)