...just look at these beautiful children...
"I used to ask for a sign to believe in, but He never gave me a reason to ever doubt Him. Gimme one reason to doubt He's the Messiah, gimme one reason to doubt, He is alive, gimme one reason to doubt I am the the apple of His eye. Just one reason now, just one reason to doubt Jesus Christ." -Jason Upton
I have been listening to Jason Upton all week, and this song has really been speaking to me. Through all these trials its easy to forget we arnt fighting this battle alone. Sometimes i find myself crying or just angry then i have the "duhh" moment and realise, God's already provided... A few months ago, about the time soon after we found out about Miles diabetes, the Lord spoke to Bryce: "I've already provided..." Now, a few weeks after that I felt God took it a little farther with me: "He's not our Provider, he's our Provided...."
He already has, nothing that needs fixing has God complexed... He aint trying to come up with a plan, He's not researching, scheming, or plotting a solution to get us outta this mess. NO! He has already provided, He is our Provided... followin me?
So anyways, gimme one reason to doubt,
gimme ONE reason to doubt HE's the Messiah,
He's Alive,
gimme one reason to doubt He'll heal Miles,
gimme one reason to doubt He'll take care of our bills,
He is Jesus Christ.