Thursday, August 7, 2008

one month old!!!

One month ago...
So, we've made it, one month old! Here are the stats: sleeps most of the day away, eats EVERY 2, yess every 2 hours, still wearing newborn sizes sometimes fitting into shrunkin 3month old sizes, falls asleep during bath time, wakes up after his feedings during the night, laughs in his sleep, and has the cutest gassy smiles ever, lol... Miles is still madly in love with his brother, and gives him many manyyy kisses daily.
One month old...


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday little Levi !! The 1st picture took my breath away......Thank you Jesus for his life !! Miss you all !!!!!! mom

Anonymous said...

Sweet little Levi! I seriously want to come see you guys! It's been way too long...I can't believe it has already been a month since he made his debut! Love you guys,