Wednesday, August 13, 2008

our morning adventure!

This morning we went to Crocket Park, its such a nice park with a little lake and all. Joy, Bryce's mum had a great time hanging out with the fam, and showed Miles the "ropes" on the playground! Our time there ended with a little spill and gravel in the mouth for poor Miles, but scrapes and boo-boo's aside we had a great time.


Rachel said...

Hey Christina!

It's funny you mentioned about a girl, because I have been having dreams about a little girl too! Also, a lot of people have told us they think it's a girl...we'll see! Your little boys are sooo cute! I can see Bryce in them, but I can also see a lot of you! ;)

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

lol that's funny I think we were at Crocket Park on the same day, except we went that evening and cooked dinner and such. great minds think alike!