Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bryce's 28th Birthday

On Friday the 12th of February, my man Bryce, turned 28... There is something about getting farther and farther away from 25 that says "time isnt getting any slower..." I know thats how Bryce felt on his birthday. YES, in the grand scheme of things, 28 is a spring chicken, BUT when you are 28, you know you have left the club of "young 20's" behind... I was thinking the other day and ya know how somethings things just hit ya?? I had the thought "WOW, i am gonna die one day, and... its gonna be AWESOME!" haha, now dont get scared, I just had the rare moment of looking at my life through eternities eyes, and I am stoked to be with Jesus. Seriously, stoked stoked stoked. I was telling Miles just the other day, that in Heaven there are "no more tears, no more pain, no more insulin shots, and you can eat alllll the wheat you want!" You should have seen his eyes. He saw and BELIEVED the big picture. He accepted instantly the joyous plan that Jesus has for us, and that he wants us the live in Peace... FOREVER, in no pain... FOREVER.... wrapped in our Saviours Love... FOREVER. At the end of me telling Miles about the awesomeness of Heaven, he asked me "why??" And I had the privledge to tell him... "Because Jesus loves us, thats why..." His child like faith answered plain and simply: "OH, well lets go now then!"

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