Thursday, July 31, 2008

july 31st...due date

sooo, today was my due date, its hard to imagine the fact that i could still have been pregnant, i am soo glad i'm not, hehe.. its been sooooo hot here, i hate AC, but we have to live with it on in order to survive!!! My parents arrived last night and are headed down to Florida for a week to check out Lakeland. Many of you prob know about the awesome things happening there. They were planning of camping there, but then realised it would be ridiculously HOT and the croc's could get ya!! Miles is thrilled to have his grandparents around again, he doesn't know mommy exists when they are around. Well, thats all i can write with one hand, so i'm off!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the boys

Innocent Levi, sleeping away while his brother sings about wanting "fire...."

"...and it burnssss..."

Monday, July 28, 2008

little Miles @ 2wks old & 1yr

So for sure now, i think the little men have their own look, no twins here!

Miles @ 2ks

Miles @ 1yr...time flys when your having fun!

3wks ago we met him.. wow

Its hard to imagine that 3wks ago he wasn't here... I remember with Miles, just after he was born, Bryce and I would look at each other and say, " its like we've known him forever, and we have only just met him.." I guess that's how it is with your children, you feel them grow inside of you, but still the reality of a child inside your womb is far from a tangible idea, THEN out of no where they are out, and in the world... I am still in shock that Levi is here, even the thought of Miles being here and let alone MY child still boggles my mind. I've often heard other mothers say, "you'll know when your done having kids..." and I totally understand.. not the feeling of no more children, but the feelings of " i cant wait to meet my next little bundle of joy..."
I love being a mom.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

sunday morning

Levi and I are still on "house" duty when it comes to church, or very crowded places. With Miles i sent him to church with Bryce when he was 4 days old, and I stayed home and in bed, hehe... but this time, i am trying to be a little better. The pediatrician said 2months of no "family reunion" type of interaction, and i know church would be like that, sooo even thought i dont think we will make it till 2months, we still will be cautious. Sooo here are some shots of the men heading off to church! And here is the picture of me heading off to bed!
(HA, just kidding about the picture, NOT kidding about going back to bed...)

Friday, July 25, 2008

goood morning

Soooo, 2 wks old and still a lovely boy... Speaking of little boys my good friend Jessi, just had a beautiful, healthy boy, Reed. Born almost exactly 2wks after Levi, seriously like minuets to the time of Levi's birth, crrrazy..... Even moreeee crazy, she was told she was having a girl!! She already has a wonderful 2yr old girl, and was getting ready for another little girly, beautiful pink room, cutie pink cloths, the works! Sooo, needless to say it was more than a shock to see a little man pop out. All us boy moms are flooding her with boy, 'manly' things as quick as possible, little Reed has no need to wear pink anymore, lol, just kidding i don't think he has wore pink yet. But, throughout all this crazy switch-a-roo Levi now has a little friend Reed to play with, Levi must have been praying pretty hard that he'd come out a boy.... naughty Levi. hehe...
Welcome to our world little Reed, we love you!
Little Levi is his favorite seat.

Who does he look like?????

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Miles and the baby doll... hehe

Miles insisted on "nun-night" with Levi, so cautiously we let him pretend.
Levi looks pretttttty scared... i don't blame him!

Friday, July 18, 2008

cozy boy

Special time with Grandma.... so cute and cuddly.
I like this photo, baby feet are really cute and never stinky, hehe...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

bath night

Tonight was the first bath at home...
yes its been a while since his 1st bath, but we couldn't find the tub,
and once we did find the tub, it was, and IS impossible to get to....
lots of storage junk in front of it in the garage... ugggg....
soo this plastic bowl had to do.
I was expecting screams,
buttt surprisingly he was very content,
as you can see.


Yesterday was the first time us 4 were "alone.." lol, Grandma and Grandpa went into town, and we were left to ourselves.... weird. Soooo, I decided that we needed to do something as a family, so we made cookies! Miles loves to pretend cook, soo the real thing was very exciting for him, as you can imagen. Bryce would measure out the ingredients, and Miles would pour them into the big mixing bowl. Miles and I ate a good amount of dough, hehe.... it was soooo goood....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

quick update

Proud Grandpa of two little men...

Sooo, one week later and two children in the house, and we are all still happy, lol. Levi and Miles are getting along very well.. as well as an infant and a toddler can get along. Basicly Miles wants to hold Levi, kiss Levi and "goo goo, gaa gaa" over Levi, and if that all goes well, they are happy.
We havent really heard Levi cry yet, yess he wimpers a bit, but no screams... yet. My parents are here the rest of the week then the house will be just us 4. I am interested to see how i 'll do with two children by myself, BUT i am very sad the see my momma go, she is a HUGE help,
and well, my bestest friend. Two weeks after they go, Joy, Bryce's mom, will be arriving
and visiting for 3wks, we are reallly excited to have her come.

((PS, Joy we need more Crunchy Bars, hehehehehehehe....))

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Welcome home Levi!

Levi arrived home on Wednesday! Miles is in LOVE with "Wee-vi" and wants to hold him alllllllll the time. He is always talking about his brother, and is so sad for him when he cries. (about that subject, i have to wake the little man to feed! I think i've heard him cry about 6x, wow...) The questions about having 2 and it being easy? well, its not fair for me to say yet, because i have my parents here who are a HUGE help, BUT lets just say i have very good tempered boys... very nice. I love being a mommy of two boys. Thank you all who wrote such nice comments about the boys and me, they were all very encouraging and uplifting, thank you.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Levi's first bath

arriving 4wks early...... Mr. Levi

Sooo, needless to say, he, Levi William, is here... he was born @ 2:33am Monday night, in 4 1/2 hrs! We arrived at the hospital @ 1am, after starting contractions at home at 10ish. They checked my out when i arrived and saw that i was already 8-9cm!! I was like, "what!??!" hour and half later, little Levi was out and about. We had a scare in the beginning, the cord was wrapped around his head, along with his hand, after a longggggg few minuets, he turned pink and was moving, Praise God he is all good now, weighing in at 6.8lbs and 18.5 inches, born at 36wks. We are all good, and are enjoying our little man, OH and his hair is a blondish sandy brown that is most surly gonna be red, we can feel it coming, hehe... Love to all!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dr.'s visit

hellllo all,
well, today i had my dr. apt for 36wks... sheeesh, these weeks are going quick. So, my little update: more than 50% effaced and about 4cm, she felt the head, and -1 station, WHOO-HOO!! Haha, i told her when i got home from the dr.'s i was gonna run around the block, she didnt like that.. hehe, she said, lets at least get to 37wks.... I was like "okkk" yehhh right! If i can get little Levi out now, than lets do it!!! She said i have progressed rather quick in the last 2wks, sooo, i could go soon ORRRRR walk around like this, well, untill FOREVER!!! So, whooo knows. I need to pack my overnight bag, put the car seat in, and SO MUCH MORE! Am i reallly ready to welcome little Levi now?? Or do i want a few more wks?? Weird feeling. I did go on a long, fast paced walk this evening, and i am planning on walking everyday now... Welll, i guess its time to sign off, Happy 4th of July to all, maybeeee i';ll have a day of "freedom" tomorrow too, hehe....