Tuesday, July 15, 2008

quick update

Proud Grandpa of two little men...

Sooo, one week later and two children in the house, and we are all still happy, lol. Levi and Miles are getting along very well.. as well as an infant and a toddler can get along. Basicly Miles wants to hold Levi, kiss Levi and "goo goo, gaa gaa" over Levi, and if that all goes well, they are happy.
We havent really heard Levi cry yet, yess he wimpers a bit, but no screams... yet. My parents are here the rest of the week then the house will be just us 4. I am interested to see how i 'll do with two children by myself, BUT i am very sad the see my momma go, she is a HUGE help,
and well, my bestest friend. Two weeks after they go, Joy, Bryce's mom, will be arriving
and visiting for 3wks, we are reallly excited to have her come.

((PS, Joy we need more Crunchy Bars, hehehehehehehe....))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you'll be fine, your a natural :) oxooxox wish i could be there with you all. i want cuddles too :(