Saturday, July 12, 2008

Welcome home Levi!

Levi arrived home on Wednesday! Miles is in LOVE with "Wee-vi" and wants to hold him alllllllll the time. He is always talking about his brother, and is so sad for him when he cries. (about that subject, i have to wake the little man to feed! I think i've heard him cry about 6x, wow...) The questions about having 2 and it being easy? well, its not fair for me to say yet, because i have my parents here who are a HUGE help, BUT lets just say i have very good tempered boys... very nice. I love being a mommy of two boys. Thank you all who wrote such nice comments about the boys and me, they were all very encouraging and uplifting, thank you.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

O my goodness I love the very first pic, the little hat is adorable. He is so cute, as is Miles!