Monday, July 28, 2008

3wks ago we met him.. wow

Its hard to imagine that 3wks ago he wasn't here... I remember with Miles, just after he was born, Bryce and I would look at each other and say, " its like we've known him forever, and we have only just met him.." I guess that's how it is with your children, you feel them grow inside of you, but still the reality of a child inside your womb is far from a tangible idea, THEN out of no where they are out, and in the world... I am still in shock that Levi is here, even the thought of Miles being here and let alone MY child still boggles my mind. I've often heard other mothers say, "you'll know when your done having kids..." and I totally understand.. not the feeling of no more children, but the feelings of " i cant wait to meet my next little bundle of joy..."
I love being a mom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is looking bigger to me !! He is soooo cute...adorable !!I'm coming Thursday to squeeze him AND LOVE Mr. Miles to pieces !!!