Sunday, July 27, 2008

sunday morning

Levi and I are still on "house" duty when it comes to church, or very crowded places. With Miles i sent him to church with Bryce when he was 4 days old, and I stayed home and in bed, hehe... but this time, i am trying to be a little better. The pediatrician said 2months of no "family reunion" type of interaction, and i know church would be like that, sooo even thought i dont think we will make it till 2months, we still will be cautious. Sooo here are some shots of the men heading off to church! And here is the picture of me heading off to bed!
(HA, just kidding about the picture, NOT kidding about going back to bed...)


Anonymous said...

Soooo cute...BUT I miss the videos.....Gram-ma !!

Anonymous said...

ahhh my boys xooxx your tooo cute family. aunty R :)

Anonymous said...

miles looks like he's off to school or something scary :)xo

The Ludwig Family said...

Your pics are so cute. Miles looks so grown-up next Levi!! And wow, two months?? That is so long for us to not see Christina on Sunday morning!! Hope the boys and I can make it over to wear Miles out for you soon. Miss you!!