Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Levi's first bath


Unknown said...

ooooooh! precious! hi levi!

Unknown said...

Hi there! He's such a cutie. And apparently not a fan of baths... oh well. There's time for that later...
Love you guys! Wish we could come deliver food and borrow Miles from you! - Susie

Sallie said...

Congratulations on your precious little Levi! Children are always a blessing from the Lord! I've never met one that I didn't love instantly! I join you and your family in praising our Creator for this wonderful new creation.

Sallie in NC
(jumped from Joshua's blog)

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am not sure if you know me, we go to your church and my son Jacob is in the nursery with yours. We are so proud of you two and the beautiful family that you have! If you need anything please let me know, even if it is time to yourself- I have a 10 year old who loves to help! Crystal

Brenda said...

what a cutie! You have a beautiful family :-)

Anonymous said...

PERFECT :)...thankyou for being so quick with the pictures, i made him my screensaver, he's beautiful xooxox

Anonymous said...

Awww, how sweet. Congratulations! My little boy is just 8m old. Someday I'd like another. Please bless us with blogs about how much easier it is the second time around!

You sure have cute kids!

Dani said...

CONGRATS!!! He is adorable :-) Looks like Miles!~!

Dani said...

Oh my goodness, I watched the video again and he has the cutest little cry. Tell me how it is having 2 babies! We're thinking about it :-) Congrats again!! When I told my husband you had another boy he said "Good going....what a blessed man Bryce is"..haha.. CONGRATS!!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby boy! I am certain God has great plans for this fine young man.

I have 20 year old triplets that were 8 weeks early; they are all in college on full scholarships and the hardest part of raising them was teaching them how to drive!!! You have precious time now to hold and love your sweet precious children.

God Bless you all!

Karen in TN

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your precious little man! I found you on Suzie's blog & just wanted to say hi

have a great day =0)


Kristin Miller said...

THANK GOODNESS HE'S HERE! He needed to get there early so you guys would be prepared for us to stop in for a quick visit in August on our way to VA Beach!!! Love you guys SOOOOO much and congratulations, he is SO handsome just like his mummy and daddy! (Christina, you're actually pretty, but anyway...)

Bee said...

Hi from a visitor down under, what a beautiful family you have! welcome to the world Levi!.... dont worry little Levi you will soon learn how great the bath is! then you will be crying when you have to get out! ~ Barb Melb, Aust.

Katie said...

Oh, he's precious! Congrats!

Just stopping by from Susie's blog.

Enjoy your beautiful man and I hope you are feeling well.

Julie said...

Congrats on your new baby! I know new mommies always try to do too much (even if they've been through it before). Remember to get as much rest as you can, and ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful.

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

From Susie's blog

Lil Mama said...

What a precious gift from God. Both of your boys are so cute. I love the red hair! Peace and blessing to you and the family as you now adjust to your new normal.

(Jumped from Joshua's blog)


Lauren W said...

Babies are such wonderful pieces of God's love :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Can he get any cuter? My boys never liked their bath either. Congrats! What a beautiful family!

PixieGirl said...

beautiful family!

Anonymous said...