Tuesday, July 8, 2008

arriving 4wks early...... Mr. Levi

Sooo, needless to say, he, Levi William, is here... he was born @ 2:33am Monday night, in 4 1/2 hrs! We arrived at the hospital @ 1am, after starting contractions at home at 10ish. They checked my out when i arrived and saw that i was already 8-9cm!! I was like, "what!??!" hour and half later, little Levi was out and about. We had a scare in the beginning, the cord was wrapped around his head, along with his hand, after a longggggg few minuets, he turned pink and was moving, Praise God he is all good now, weighing in at 6.8lbs and 18.5 inches, born at 36wks. We are all good, and are enjoying our little man, OH and his hair is a blondish sandy brown that is most surly gonna be red, we can feel it coming, hehe... Love to all!


Anna said...

Congrats you guys! So excited, and relieved that everyone is safe! Enjoy your boys Christina - and let them all spoil you!

Anonymous said...

congratulations beautiful family,
well done you guys he's perfect. glad all is well with all. yay i'm so happy for you both. welcome to the world my precious new nephew. big hugs and kisses to you all xooxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxooxoxooxxoooxxo

Anonymous said...

i saw susie's picture of levi, but it didn't do him justice!! i can't believe how little he is!! 18 inches??? and you look gorgeous, momma!! lol still no baby here, and no signs of baby, either! but she'll come, and then our lil' ones can meet for the first time. let me know when you start to feel better! can't wait to chat and hear all about your labor and delivery and placenta and belly button not poking out any more and all of those other things that make bryce squirm. lol! oh, and my last comment i made before i knew that you really thought i'd be upset with you for delivering before me...i totally don't think you did it on purpose! lol. don't be shy to ask me for help, even if it's folding the laundry. levi is beautiful and so are you! hang in there!

Melissa said...

congrats. He's goregous :)

Melissa said...

congrats. He's goregous :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new bundle of love. Glad to know that everything is fine. Josua's Mom, asked people to wish you the best. Hope all is well and all stays well. Welcome to life with a toddler and a new born. It is not that bad (pace yourself for the teen years hahahahahah)
New Brunswick

Havalah said...

Congratulations Taylor Family! Your son is BEAUTIFUL! He looks JUST like his big brother! It's incredible! Hope Mommy and Baby are resting well! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Ok - I'm sure we will never meet this side of heaven (nor will I probably meet the Samms either where your "link" is) - but, I am a mommy to two teens and I still remember the day they were born! Congratulations on your new baby boy - I will pray specifically for your family today that the Lord will shower you with His love and that you will feel His presence in a very tangible way today!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm visiting from Susie's blog! You have two beautiful boys! Congratulations!

Laurie in Minnesota

Cate said...

Hey Sweetie, congrats on your 2nd little munchkin! All the best for the happy family. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Levi is beautiful. I am praying for you all.

Blessings & Hugs

Kandi from Arizona/USA

Kim's Treasures said...

Congratulations on the birth of your new son! He is adorable! (Just like the rest of his family)
God bless!

Melody said...

Hi........I jumped over from Susie's blog : )

Congrats on your new baby!! Enjoy this precious time as a family.

God Bless.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I'm visiting from Susie's blog. Levi is adorable! :)

MamaOnABudget said...

I'm a blog-friend of Susie's - sent this way by her. Congratulations on your beautiful little boy! What a precious jewel for your crown! May God continue to bless your family richly and daily as you marvel in His gift of Levi =)

Angela said...

Congratulations on your baby. He's beautiful!

Millicent said...

stopped over from Susie's blog! Congrats on another beautiful boy! You are truly blessed!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your little man. Bopping over to your side of the blog from Susie's blog.

Erin said...

Just saw the link to your blog from Susie's blog. Congrats on the new addition to your family! What a blessing from the Lord a new life is. Levi is a cutie! I hope that you are enjoying him and that Miles is getting adjusted to being a big brother!

Emily said...

Congratulations on a precious little boy. I had a precious little boy 17 days ago on June 22. It's a wonderful feeling & it just keeps getting better!
Congrats again!

Ashlie said...

Congrats on your beautiful new boy! God bless you and your family :)

*I got here from Susie at Be Strong and Courageous*

**bree** said...

He is gorgeous! I love his fuzz. You look amazing after just having a baby also. :) Relish your new little man.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Christina, Bryce & Miles! Levi is absolutely beautiful! Though we've never met in person, I feel as though I know you through Susie & Matt. I appreciate your encouragement to them and am looking forward to that barbeque to get us all together next time they visit :)

Anonymous said...

You have a very beautiful little boy! Congrats on a great job.

P.S. - Got your link from Susies page.

Anonymous said...

Aww. He is gorgeous! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

I read the Sams family blog frequentyl and wanted to stop in to say Congratulations on your new little bundle of joy!! You have a beautiful family. May you get some well deserved rest in the days and weeks to come (I say this as a mom of 2 boys, knowing that rest is so not that realistic, but reallly hoping for you!!!)


Anonymous said...

Hey Christina, I arrived here via Susie's blog and wanted to say a big congratulations on the safe arrival of Levi. My first baby was four weeks early and she did just fine. Learning how to handle one so TINY was the hardest part!

Praying God's best for you as you welcome this new addition into your home and hearts!

Irishembi said...

Coming over to visit from Susie's Blog! Congratulations! Baby Levi is gorgeous and adorable and his big brother Miles is too! Happy days!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable little guy!! (The other older little guy is just as adorable too! Just look at that curly hair!!) Congrats on the new little bundle.

Desiree said...

Congrats! He's adorable.

Liz said...

What a beautiful baby!!! Congratulations!

teresa said...

He is such a cutie! Glad that everything was okay!
God bless!

SARA said...

Susie has been blogging about her excitement over Levi! CONGRATS!
My hubby is a former Elimite, so I mentioned ya'll when I saw Susie's blog...He knows who your hubby is:)
Hope all is well and Congrats on the baby!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful baby!! great weight for being a 36 weeker! Enjoy, love his name.

Sonja said...

Hello little Levi and family. Susy was sooooooooooo excited to tell blogland of the "NEWEST" blogger in the land. :)

Mom.... I'm jelous.... I wish my children came that quick. LOLOL I have a 19 year old daughter and a 17 year old son. They are both God's biggest blessings in my life.

Congratulations on the birth of a beautiful little boy. God is such a wonderful gift giver He always knows EXACTLY what to give us. :)

God Bless


K said...

Wow, what a fast labor! He sure is cute. Fast labors and birth can be very intense. Many moms have told me they wished they had a longer labor (the moms who have really longs labors wish the opposite)!

I'm looking forward to more pictures as you add them. Congratulations!

Destini said...

Congratulations! Your baby is beautiful...what an awesome testimony to God's faithfulness and grace!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's perfect, and another redhead to boot!

I'm a massive blog stalker, and really just need to make one, but I never think anything is worth reading in my everyday life. I found you through Susie, who I know because my husband was one of Matt's roommates Matt's Junior year at Elim (my husband's senior year) so actually, you probably knew my husband too, Adam Harriff?

Anyways, long explanation of who I am, simply to say, Congratulaions!!!! again. :)

Magoon Family said...

Hello and congrats. I linked over from Susie's blog when I read about the birth of your beautiful baby boy. Congrats!! He is so beautiful!! I pray for the best for you and your family and a speedy recovery for you. Enjoy your new bundle of joy :) God bless.

luv2praise said...

Hi I've read your blog thru Susie Sam's blog... I just wanted to say Congrats!!! on your new addition to the family he is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I pray that you will be so blessed by Levi and that he will be such a great joy to you and your family. There are only blessings coming forth! I pray the Lord will give you supernatural strength and health as these days pass on.

Stay Blessed in Jesus Name,
Debbie :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the birth of a new SON! Levi is gorgeous, and Big Brother looks so proud! Enjoy having 2 sons - there is something special about brothers :) (my guys are 18 months apart)
Hope you're getting the rest and recovery you need. Love up those babies!
Beth in Michigan

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your handsome little man!! =)


Hilary said...

wow~~ I love his red hair..big brother is adorable too!!!! Congrats from Texas :)

Melissa said...

Congratulations. He is such a cutie! Looks like he may have red hair too? Found you via Strong & Courageous. God bless.
St. Louis, MO

Jennifer said...

I love the "this side up" shirt! :-)
2 boys are so much fun

Pauline said...

He is a GREAT looking lad .. CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

He's beautiful, congratulations!

Shelley said...

You look fantastic for just having given birth and your kids are gorgeous. Congratulations to all 4 of you and welcome Baby Levi!

Shelley in Iowa

Anonymous said...

Your new baby has the same name as Matthew McConaughey's new son that was born on Monday. Congrats!

Kristin said...

Congrats, your baby is adorable. I love the color of Miles hair,he looks like he is a character. One of my good friends has red hair and she is also a character.

God Bless !
