Friday, July 25, 2008

goood morning

Soooo, 2 wks old and still a lovely boy... Speaking of little boys my good friend Jessi, just had a beautiful, healthy boy, Reed. Born almost exactly 2wks after Levi, seriously like minuets to the time of Levi's birth, crrrazy..... Even moreeee crazy, she was told she was having a girl!! She already has a wonderful 2yr old girl, and was getting ready for another little girly, beautiful pink room, cutie pink cloths, the works! Sooo, needless to say it was more than a shock to see a little man pop out. All us boy moms are flooding her with boy, 'manly' things as quick as possible, little Reed has no need to wear pink anymore, lol, just kidding i don't think he has wore pink yet. But, throughout all this crazy switch-a-roo Levi now has a little friend Reed to play with, Levi must have been praying pretty hard that he'd come out a boy.... naughty Levi. hehe...
Welcome to our world little Reed, we love you!
Little Levi is his favorite seat.

Who does he look like?????


Anonymous said...

Ohhh,he is sooo cute....I guess he looks like me !!!!!!lol.......Gram-ma D.

Anonymous said...

did you guys get my emails. Rachael xox

Kristin Miller said...

let me eat him alive!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

aww that was so sweet of you to include us in your blog! I was touched. :)and yes, naughty little Levi... Speaking of Levi, he definitely has Miles' profile, but he isn't a total reflection of Bryce. At least not yet. Babies change so much!!! And I hear ya about the whole "no family reunion gatherings." I was told two weeks, but I think I am going to extend that. Although Alli had a great idea, and that was to take Reed to church in the moby wrap so no one can touch him OR see him unless they ask. I am really weird about people holding my babies, especially after the whole "fingers in the mouth" and "kissing on the mouth/face" ordeal with Taylor...I am GLAD to stay home!!!!!! And can you believe that Reed was TWO POUNDS bigger than your little man? Holy he came out so darn fast without tearing anything I will never know...But man did it feel like it! :) love you and will see you soon!