Wednesday, October 8, 2008

3 months old

Not the best photo, BUT for some reason i do just love it...

Yesterday Levi turned 3 months old, time is going soo fast! Its getting cold here in VA, and no more shorts for our outgoings, brrrrrrrrrrrrr. This weekend we are thinking of going apple picking, then coming home with our bounty and cooking up yummy apple goodies! On the Miles front lines he is kinda starting to be potty trained, like, one day with just undies, then the next just a diaper, then maybe a day with half diaper and half undies... yes i know its not the best approach, BUT with a 3month old its kinda difficult to focus solely on a child on a potty. A day ago Miles and I were sitting out in the former plentiful garden, him eating one of the last summer tomato's and me braiding a grass bracelet for him to wear. Its times like those I wish the last days of summer would last forever, with its carefree feel and warm memories. BUT, a new season is raising and change is in the air. And with that we will move on either by choice or by force, cuz winter aint stopping for no one, lol..... yes, soooo insightful. hehe...

"Happy Fall Everyone!"


Unknown said...

Aw! Too cute! I love it! It's very true to life. :) Levi's a little chub-butt isn't he? You could get lost in those cheeks!

Unknown said...

It's me again! I tagged you on a meme at my blog. :)