Thursday, March 18, 2010

just write about it!

With nothing to really report i have decided that when there IS nothing new to report on, i will look in my pictures and find something to spur a blog. I am trying to keep in the spirit of writing, cuz once ya stop, its so hard to get back into it again!!

~Levi, Oceana, Miles~

Wellll, this picture, really does say it all, children eating yummmy stickyyy marshmallows by the fire. Dirty, dirty children enjoying no baths and filthy feet that will last all night, and well into the next day. Levi, as you can see, enjoys stuffing his face with as many marshmallows as humanly possible, with possibly entering a new world record. His diabetic brother on the other hand, saviors and enjoys every precious bite, HOPING against all hope, that mom will let him go crazy and eat the entire bag. ((butttt we all know that is not likly)) As always the rose does sit between 2 thorns, haha, just kidding, its more like a crazy PB&J sandwich, OR something at least sticky! We had a great time camping with Susie and her two girls. It was wet, it was wild, and it was awesome. Sometimes when i hold my pillow just right, i can still smell a little of our wonderful campfire, and i go back to what life must have been like much simpler. Cooking over a camp fire, water from the creek, the dirt under our feet.... and in our hair and nails and in our living quarters.... and then i wake up and say "thank Heaven for homes with showers!!" Yesss, i might love camping but knowing you can always come home and get clean and microwave something in 10seconds or less and have a complete family meal, is something truly magical....


Deb said...

How fun to wake up and read your thoughts. Thanks for writing !!!

Brandon and Crystal said...

very cool. like the creative flow....and ti was cool seeing the children of great ppl i know:)